CV Men: Fighting the battle. Living Free.

A kingdom man is the kind of man that when his feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh crap, he's up!" 

- Tony Evans, Kingdom Man


Deep within every man’s heart lies a God-given desire for three things: a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to pursue. John Eldredge captures this truth perfectly. You see it clearly in young boys—they spend their days fighting imaginary battles, conquering new adventures, and dreaming of the future. But somewhere along the way, as men grow older, the spark fades. By their 30s and 40s, many men have "settled down" and confined their battles, adventures, and pursuits to fleeting fantasies or hobbies.

At CV Men, we’re not looking to turn back the clock. Instead, we’re here to reawaken the heart of a man, igniting a passion to live out the life God designed for him. Our mission is to help men turn their hearts fully to God, find their purpose in Him, and live with boldness and freedom.

OUr VIsion

Our rally cry—“Fighting the battle. Living free.”—is more than a slogan. Historically, a slogan was a Scottish Highland war cry, something that stirred courage and united warriors in the fight. Think of the fearless warriors in Braveheart, boldly charging into battle with conviction and purpose. That’s the kind of men we aim to empower: men who are fearless, sold out for their King, and ready to fight for His Kingdom.


Ready to take the next step in your adventure with God? Check out our calendar below for upcoming events, classes, and small groups designed to encourage, challenge, and equip you on your journey. Whether you’re looking to connect with other men or rediscover your God-given purpose, there’s a place for you here.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact us at

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...